£135 +VAT
Start time: Arrival 08:00am Start 08:30am
Duration: 1/2 Day
Course Overview
Our RD8000/RD8200 Series Locator Operator Course delivers a minimum of 6 hours of theory and practical instruction, training and assessment and is designed to teach up to 8 delegates. Buried Utilities represent a major hazard to construction workers and poorly planned excavations can cause cable or pipe damage resulting in personal injury, costly repairs and delays. Our Cable and Pipe avoidance courses cover the reasons for using locators, the theory of locating services and safe systems of work covered in HSG47.
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at Managers, Supervisors and Operatives in construction, utilities, telecommunications and petrochemical industries who are required to locate underground apparatus and services during planned excavations using the RD8000/RD8200 units of the SPX Radiodetection RD Range Location Tools.
The RD8000/RD8200 Series Locator Operator Course involves hands on use of the actual locators to detect and trace the route of buried services. This will cover the different types of buried services that exist, current legislation and best practice concerning detecting buried services, the safety implications of not using a locator and associated ancillary equipment, use of local utility plans, observation of evidence in the street etc.
Since the safe use of cable avoidance tools require that delegates consult safety notices and read and thoroughly understand the manufacturer’s instruction manual, English literacy and language comprehension are important requirements for any user.